How wonderful to find this dropped into my inbox this morning! It was a delight to host you in my Space! Your work as a block printer inspires me to stretch myself and of course I relate to baking! ♥️ Grateful to be on this journey with like minds and hearts. 🙏
How wonderful to find this dropped into my inbox this morning! It was a delight to host you in my Space! Your work as a block printer inspires me to stretch myself and of course I relate to baking! ♥️ Grateful to be on this journey with like minds and hearts. 🙏
Yes, my heart is full! Thanks again, Sadie.
I also love that block print. When did you make it?
I made it for my self-published book in 2019. I made a block print for each chapter.
Super cool block print!
Thank you, Jill!