I am 60 years old and still, STILL, long for fresh notebooks and new books to read come September. I loved the start of a new school year not only for myself, but for my son when he was young. It holds so much promise and excitement. And that popcorn!?! Whoa. I must make that very soon.

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Fall is my favorite season, and it must have something to do with my love for school and my long teaching career. I don't know if it was the same in Belgium, but in France "la rentrée" is a whole state of mind -- not just about school.

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Yes, definitely! I think that might be a broader cultural difference between the U.S. and Western Europe: a state of mind rather than rampant commercialism.

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Hmmm...I don't think commercialism is ever quite as rampant in France as in the USA, but school supplies for la rentrée scolaire add up in France and it is a big commercial event in supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty shops. But I don't remember back-to-school clothes being a big thing, although that may have changed too over the years.

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Thanks for reading! I guess that feeling might never go away?😊 And I made the popcorn last night for the first time since last early spring: still good!

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Got to love that back to school feeling of a productive September.

Intrigued by your popcorn recipe, I make a similar version but without boiling the honey. Will have to give it a go, anything with peanut butter in gets my vote!

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Thanks for reading! I think the boiling makes it a little more caramelly. And yes, to peanut butter. I didn’t grow up with it like Americans do and I forget how much I like and then go on a slight binge where it’s on bread, in cookies, in cooking, in popcorn.

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