totally with you on this! i have found myself learning this lesson through coffee too - if i’m only going to drink maybe two cups per day, why would i ever waste one of those opportunities on crappy coffee? and then the lesson flows into all other areas of life, to be patient for the things actually worth having!

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Yes to all of that!

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Pizza and a basque cheesecake sound absolutely like the route to happiness.

Not settling is important, in a world of convenience it has become so easy to settle for sub par in almost everything. Thinking about my own daily coffee, I enjoy it so much more when I take the time to make a proper coffee but I often settle for instant and have little excuse!

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I need a proper cup to start my day! But then, so did my mom, my grandma, my great-grandma!😊

There are times we don’t have a choice but, so often, with the small things, it’s just not taking the tiny extra minute…

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Simple yet sound advice. Reading it made me happy!

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Sometimes the simplest thing is not always obvious. We tend to want to complicate things.😂 Thanks for reading !

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Sep 9Liked by Rachel Shenk

Much "food" for thought here. Much to contemplate. Thank you. And the recipe looks wonderful! Blessings on your day!

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And to you, Melanie! Thanks for reading!

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